The End… And why the Island had to be Saved.

24 05 2010

I loved the series finale of Lost.  But it was so heady and intoxicating that I need a few days to digest and process…  but, I was thinking this afternoon about how much the science people are dissatisfied with the end and the lack of explanation…

Well…  it dawned on my how very interesting it is that this series finale happened at the exact time that there is oil gushing out of a hole in the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

People are mad that we didn’t find out the island was and how Smokey would have destroyed the world had he been let off the island. But don’t we sort of know that already?  

In my mind, I am choosing to see the island as a metaphor for Earth and the smoke monster as a destructive escaped energy source. I mean, smokey looks like little else than a plume of smoke created by an oil fire.

See crazy Foster Mom and the boys put it in simple terms in this conversation:

MOTHER: Light. The warmest, brightest light you’ve ever seen or felt. And we must make sure that no one ever finds it.
BOY IN BLACK: It’s beautiful…
MOTHER: Yes it is. And that’s why they want it. Because a little bit of this very same light is inside of every man. But they always want more.
JACOB: Can they take it?
MOTHER: No. But they would try. And if they tried they could put it out. And if the light goes out here… it goes out everywhere. And so I’ve protected this place. But I can’t protect it forever.

Sort of sounds like a metephorical discussion of energy sources: oil, gas, coal, etc. At least to me. We had whole seasons centering around the electromagnetism of the island and how men wanted to dig down into the earth to get to it and try to harness it so it makes sense to me.

So, why was it important to save the island?  For the same reason that it’s important to try heal or save the planet before we die and move on. We live in such a disposable society that using something up and discarding it seems like the norm…  but just because the Oceanic Survivors were done with the island doesn’t mean that they should discard it. It’s just like we shouldn’t be using up the planet, draining her of her life’s blood, only to discard her when we are ready to move on.

So, why couldn’t the series have been about both the redemption of the human soul and the conservation of the earth?   

Maybe we should send jack down to the bottom of The Gulf to plug up the hole?

Psychic Reading for our Lost Hero Jack before The End…

21 05 2010

I mean, come on…  Could there BE  anything crazier in a Crazy Lost Theory?  So… I consulted myself…  Oh yeah, you probably don’t realize that I’m a sensitive and as such, have a fair level of psychic ability.  So, I did as I do for friends and clients…  I tuned into Jack Shepherd and in turn that connected me into his fellow islanders and this is what happened…  

The following are notes I took during the reading:  


Very grounded

Sense of purpose

He can Feel the island

He loves Kate enough to let her go… The small ache remains. 

Christian may be used as a pawn against him…
We will see more of Christian.

The island feels like an extension of himself (Jack)…
It Seems to react to his moods… Feels like a well fitting coat he is putting on.

Is Jack more connected to the Island than ever? My spirit guides think so...

I’m asking the Question: Will Jack  succeed in stopping flocke?
I see Claire as an angel helping Jack.
And perhaps hindering him. 

Brown Claire is torn. Confusion and pain.
I ask Marlo (my spirit guide) to take a look at the island. 

She was apprehensive of this imaginary place.
She said… “Island Is darker side of people…” I’m wondering if she mean it was the darker side of the human imagination?

Red red red… three times.
Ben is acting on blood… With his lizard brain.

Ben is a storm…
Ben is a bullet hole.

Altiverse Ben is a whole…

Island whole Needs to be filled.

fill the whole fix the island.

I see adversaries falling… down a well…
Could it be whole problem be fixed with the hole filled with the protector and Flocke?
Might that save the island?

Notes I made after the reading:
I’ve never felt a person so connected to a place before… to nature.
Did Jack get a download or instant hookup to the island when Jake had him drink the magic water?
Feels like Jack knows that Kate thinks she belongs with Sawyer… He wants her to be happy.
It felt like Jack would be seeing Christian again.
Sort of like an angel and devil on his shoulder though… being used against him as well as helping him.
Perhaps Jack will become confused about his father? I don’t know.

It was funny doing this reading because There wasn’t much energy to feel… only very vivid images. Like reading ghosts rather than people. 

The whole/hole thing felt like it was an automatic reading response… I didn’t mean to type whole… it was supposed to be hole but I think that the wh gives it a bigger meaning.
I think it indicates bringing the two dualities together… Bringing the monster and the protector back into one whole being as opposed to having it be split into two.
Feels like bringing flocke and jack together as one…
or at least their mystical sides… together again they will restore the balance of the island.
The joining would be unwilling on both parts… I see it happening as an accident with the two fighting each other perhaps falling down a well… or into the sparkly playboy grotto place… and somehow Des is like a conductor between the two… reconnecting the two of them… stablizing… he’s like the electrical part of a machine connecting the two like a bridge.

(and then I started having psychic flashes again as I was writing…. )
I see Desmond standing there like a neutral ground…
but painted red and blue.
that is the image.
his arms are out like that daVinci drawing… the sketch?

Desmond the Vitruvian Man

one arm connected to locke the other to jack.
blue and red… like veins and arteries.
veins and arteries that connect the three together… and into the island as well. All connected. The whole.

man… being psychic is weird.

Because Kate Became a Mother? Let’s talk stupid from “What They Died For.”

20 05 2010

Are you freakin’ kidding me Jake?  You crossed Kate’s name off the list because she became a Mother?  That has got to be the lamest bit of writing ever… 

I never thought we'd see such blatant workplace discrimination on the island.

I understand that yes, it needed to be shown that Jacob didn’t have a choice when he was made island protector.  His mother out and out said, “you don’t really have a choice…Please, take the cup and drink.” and that this was the reason for his interest in choice and free will…  

To quote WB Cartoon's Witch Hazel, "Come on Come on! Drink it Drink it!"


but come on. If becoming a mother was reason enough to have one’s candidacy cancelled, then why did he bring Claire Littleton to the island knowing full well she’d become a mother? 

Was Jake so poorly raised to not be able to realize that this woman is TOTALLY PREGNANT?


Sure,  you could say that it was Aaron who was the candidate but by just exposing a woman who was 9 months pregnant to the island, with it’s Others, Monsters and really bad fashion line, makes me think that explanation was lame. 

But wait…  could it be that Kate became a Foster Mom that made Jake hesitant to let her remain a candidate? Perhaps being the Foster Kid of an Island Protector colored his decision in the matter?  Maybe he thought that if his Foster Mom hadn’t been a Protector, she would have been a better mom?  The mistake in that line of thought is that Jake was assuming that Kate would give a crap about the island enough to want to be its protector and to put that above Claire’s kid like his Mother had.  

And Speaking of Jake's Mother... this woman should have been in Deliverance! Scary.

The difference between these two Foster Mothers however, is that Mother was the island protector before she became a Foster and Kate knew nothing about Candidacy, Island Protectors or any of this island crap.  The only thing that Kate knew is that she had to love Aaron until she could get back to the island and get that kid his mother back.  But I guess I need to remember, before making assumptions and judgments about Jake’s thought process is that his world view is quite limited and largely shaped by his Foster Mother who was quite, how shall I say, Off? 

Jacob chooses to widen his world view by reading Flannery O’Connor, an author who repeatedly depicts families that are dominated by the Mother who is eventually brought to a violent, often a sexually violent, end as punishment for a surviving despite a missing patriarch. These households often depict a rebellious but physically flawed daughter. Hmmmm… sounds a lot like a mix of both Jake and Kate’s experience.  Perhaps those two should seek some group counseling?

Wow…  I’ve wound myself to nowhere again with my argument haven’t I? I mean, how can I fault an island bumpkin for having flawed reasoning skills?  Just because he is super old doesn’t mean he can grasp the concept of healthy familial relationships when his own childhood experience blinds him from seeing anything beyond.  He’s made a career out of populating the island with the adults of broken families.  He knows little more.  Maybe instead of the Lighthouse he should have just gotten a television and watched a lot of Oprah and Brady Bunch?  

Perhaps if Jacob had seen Mrs. Brady in action as she mothered Greg, Peter and Bobby he would have had a better understanding of what a healthy maternal relationship looked like?


So, I guess in the end, I can forgive Jacob for his shortsightedness in uttering such a stupid excuse in his final Lost scenes…  but the question remains, can I forgive the writers?

Mother Was Also Smokey… I’m Going to Spell it Out For Everyone… With Pictures AND Video!

18 05 2010

So, there has been a lot of talk in the wake of the tsunami of information that “Across the Sea” brought us.  Mostly I’ve seen people arguing about whether or not the twins’ Foster Mother was both the island protector and the Smoke Monster.  It’s clear that she was the protector but the big debate is on the whole Smokey thing.  I just wanted to put some ideas out there that I haven’t seen covered yet.  

Firstly, this notion that adversaries of this theory have about how quickly it would take a woman of Mother’s stature to fill in that well are absurd.  I do my fair share of dirt shoveling…  I’m a gardener…  and to be able to fill in a well of that size  (even during my strongest period in physical life ~ and yup, I used to be brawny) would take me days. Also… it wasn’t just dirt… there were huge rocks all mixed in with the dirt.  You can also see there where one side of the well has been reduced to rubble, presumably explaining those large chunks of stone there in the dirt. There is no way she could have done that in less than 24 hours.

I don't know about you but I doubt I could have reduced half of that well to rubble and then filled it in.


And let’s not forget that she  also had to kill the villagers.  People say that she burned them and that is how she was able to kill everyone. I just looked at that scene again and those people were not burned… they were all just lying there dead, bludgeoned perhaps and only the huts were burned out. Okay, from what I could see there was actually one burned guy  who was probably the reason the MIB “she burned them…”  but they were clearly not burned.  A little smokey… but not burned.) See? 

I don't see any charred bodies. Okay, there is one in the next photo... but only one! And these huts were too small to chalk it up to smoke inhalation (unless they all took Ambien before bed.) .


And you can compare it to the Smokey attack on the Temple from the Sundown Episode: 

Dead bodies and some flames... VERY similar.


And this guy…  clearly he was the victim of a surprise attack…. see there?  He dropped his onion! 

Poor guy on the right was either surprised or was trying to escape with a prized onion! The unlucky fellow on the left there was clearly burned... but out of all the screencaps and rewatching the scene, he was the only burned guy I could see.


How could one woman have done all that in such a short time?

Some people like to point out that Smokey that fire has never been his M.O. but it was FLocke who tossed Jacob into the fire ring only after Ben killed him.  And of course, you see all the flames around the photo from Sundown as well. 

Now I’d like to look at a couple of interesting phrases that have come up in the show.  By doing this I hope to point the finger toward smokey origins.  

When Mother is passing on protectorship to Jacob she says, “It’s going to be you.”  This is exactly what Sayid, after his transformation into agent of Smokey, said to Jack just before he sacrificed himself to save his friends on the submarine.  

Mother told Claudia, “Just be grateful you are alive.”  When Ben stole Alex from Rousseau he told her, “Just be grateful you are alive.” Ben…  Ben who had been manipulated by FLocke to kill Jacob. Ben who had been put into the corrupted temple water as a boy making him, as Richard put it.. Never the same.  

And lastly there are these two video clips.  One is of Jacob using a spinning wheel, and we know that he learned to weave from Mother… 

The other is of the sounds of the Smoke Monster.  

I’ve posted both of these before in another post but they are particularly compelling if one is thinking about why the smoke monster would sound so much like the spinning wheel.  It didn’t make much sense when we thought that Jake was the only weaver in the family but now that we knew his mother taught him to weave (and apparently not BIB) then it would lead me to believe that the reason the smoke monster makes these sounds is because they were sounds also made by Mother’s human form.  

You might say that perhaps Mother just controlled the Smoke Monster because it obviously did what she wanted to do by killing the villagers… but then wouldn’t Jacob have had more control over MIB/Smokey?  It was when the two roles were split that the shit hit the fan and the source turned to ick.  And from the sounds of it…  Mother also knew what it was like to have gone down into the Playboy Grotto…  worse than death.  Could be something that was told to her…  but to me, I think it was experience. 

Interesting side note… why do you think Jake was so into choices and free will?  I suspect because of this exchange when Mother was passing the protector torch to him: 

MOTHER: It has to be you, Jacob.

JACOB: No, it doesn’t. You wanted it to be him…But now I’m all you have.

MOTHER: It was always supposed to be you, Jacob. I see that now. And one day, you’ll see it, too; but, until then…you don’t really have a choice…Please, take the cup and drink.

Okay…  until next time …   Here is a little Humble Pie for you… something all we Lost Theorists will all be eating come Sunday night at 11:30 PM.

Guest Blog in Which Jordon Looks at Lost as a Parable About Duality & Unity & Finds That Everything, in The End, is Redeemable.

17 05 2010

This episode of MyCrazyLostTheory is being brought to you by the great despoiler, who shattered your regular author’s hopes in relation to a very important theory regarding Smokey’s long con, Hurley’s Ghosts, and a jar of peanut butter.  Even though I’ve apologized, apparently I still have to do my penance, which is to guest host the column this week. 

Hey Jordon... So not mock the Peanut Butter. Charlie imagined it with Claire, then it was there. That is IMO, way more magical than that stupid My Little Pony cave!


Pauline (of MyCrazyLostTheory) and I regularly check in on Wed mornings to ecstatically exchange our theories and views on the previous nights info dump that is lost.  Last Wednesday was no exception…although we both started the conversation with a great deal more trepidation than normal.  I’ll sum up my initial feelings thusly:  Watching that episode was kinda like choking back a spoonful of REALLY awful tasting medicine, and slowly finding that the aftertaste is divine and sort of warms the guts.  Reading through various blogs and comments ’round the ol’ net, it appears this is one of the most divisive episodes yet.  I think that is completely understandable.  In a way, viewers are now going to be divided into the old Locke/Jack dichotomy.  Some are happy with a general mystic underpinning, and some need concrete answers.  Until the following theory occurred to me, I was a little bit on the ” oh come ON Lost!” side of the fence.  Now, I think I see the writers long con, and I think I’m in love. 

Or, in other words:  How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Lost as Star Wars Remake.  Ok, what?  Awkward.  My entirely revamped view of this show is that it’s Star Wars.  Well, at least partly.  In one big way.  At first we thought Star Wars was gonna be about Jack…I mean Luke. But as the series continued, and especially after the crappy prequels, we realized it had been about the MIB, oh crap, I mean Darth Vader, all along.  So this series is about the MIB.  And Jacob.  Of course.  But mostly the MIB.  And his redemption.  How can he be redeemed?  How can such a force of evil get redemption?  Well, Darth Vader blew up a whole fucking planet and somehow we forgave him at the end, right?  Seriously folks, stay with me, I swear this is going somewhere (it’s about now that Pauline is regretting asking me to guest host I imagine…). 

No Jordon, not at all. Keep going... this all sounds quite intriguing.


Before this episode, I had a series of huge questions:  What was the smoke monster, what was Jacob, what is the purpose of the Island, and why are these people candidates?  What is the sideways world, why can Hurly see Dead People, etc. etc.  We don’t have many more answers to those questions, but, as the episode pointed out in the cheekiest bit of meta-narrative yet, with each answer there are more questions. 

However, I think we’ve been played.  Here is my big gambit:  There is no Candidate.  Jacob’s entire ‘plot’ has been to redeem the MIB, and get him to accept guardianship of the Island.  No, seriously.  To begin to understand this we have to go back to this Episode, and Mommy Dearest. 

Once upon a time there was a lady who guarded a sparkly cave full of Care Bear magic, which she protected from big bad evil men who wanted to steal its power.  She had probably been doing this for centuries, and was waiting for someone to show up who could take her place.  Hunting boar and looking for poultices can get awfully boring after hundreds of years.  So can killing entire colonies as the smoke monster.  Wait, what?  That’s right.  I think Dear Old Mom was both Guardian AND Smoke Monster.  My evidence for this is direct and indirect.  First off, when she found out that Unnamed Brother had found a way to tap into the energy of the Island, she clearly got that sad look in her eyes of ‘here we go again, I’ve got to wipe out another batch of folks from the Island,’ and next thing we know, the entire village is wiped out…with prejudice.  Everyone is burned, maimed and otherwise indisposed, and also, guess what, the well has been filled in and destroyed.  Could little old Mom have done that?  Could she have thrown the MIB over her shoulder and hauled him out of the well?  Don’t think so.  I think only the Smoke monster could have done that.  Which leads me to wonder if the smoke monster was there in some other form (was the vision of MIB’s real mother the old Smokey showing his hand?  I don’t think so) or that MOM had that power…a decidedly smoke monster like destructive power.  The reason I think she was both, and not that there was another entity already extant on the Island in the role of smoke monster is because of what apparently happened to the source after MIB was sucked down that mystical water slide.  It went black folks, and we never saw it go light again.  Whatever caused THIS smoke monster to manifest caused a very very bad thing.  It was at this point that the Island ceased being the repository for the “source” of all warm and fuzzy (Mom’s explanation of the source and how each person in the world holds a spark of it inside of them is highly Cabalistic/Gnostic) and became instead a cork holding in the evil that was Smokey.   

After destroying the villagers and pissing off MIB, Mommy knew she had to make a choice…she had to pass the torch (which she literally did, by the way!) to Jacob.  Clearly Jacob wasn’t her first choice, but he was all that was left.  The other son had proven that he wouldn’t have any interest in that job, and would most likely just fuck it up.  My guess is that what she passed to Jacob was sort of incomplete, and that she was rushed into doing so.  She couldn’t pass on her full nature.  I don’t have the back up for that right now, although maybe it will come to me.  Basically, Jacob got all of the Guardianship without any of the Smokey aftertaste.  Now mom has become mortal, has passed that torch, and can die and be at peace.  She kinda wants this.  It’s pretty clear. Thankfully MIB is happy to oblige.  That dagger we’ve seen so much of this season finally ends up killing one of the supernatural characters after all…it just happens to have happened a long long time ago.  Jacob is super pissed, and decides to work out his feelings of inadequacy by throwing brother into the Care Bear cave.  Now, Mommy warned them about this, explicitly, saying it would result in a fate worse than death.  Clearly she knew about it in detail, and probably from experience.  I think it’s important to note, at least for my theory, that the MIB was mortal when he was cast in.  It was Jacob who had been given the gift of immortality by drinking the wine (the same wine by the way that he gave to Richard to drink…Richard, who became…IMMORTAL!).  So when a mortal man is cast into the Care Bear cave, all hell breaks loose, literally.  His soul is stripped from his body, and transformed into the smoke monster…or the other side of Mom’s split personality.  In mythic terms, this is the separation of the unity into duality.  And what do dualities always long for?  Return to the source, to be rejoined, to make sweet sweet love.  Ok, well, a bit too far there.  What used to be a singular role of protector is now split into two beings. And one of those beings is corrupted, pissed, and wants the hell off the Island.  And yet if we really look at the smoke monster over the course of the show, it has served as a sort of Island Security System for much of the time.  Hell, many people overtly called it that for much of the show.  So it seems that MIB can’t escape his guard duties entirely.  Maybe that’s part of his nature…but without the other side of his nature, represented by Jacob, he’s a much darker and more menacing force than he should be, and potentially deadly for the world at large. 

What if it’s more straightforward than I’m making it?  What if Jacob really does just want someone to come along and replace him, and take up his role as protector of the Island, someone to keep Smokey in check.  Isn’t the biggest risk there that Smokey will eventually find a way to loophole the next sorry sap into getting shived, and escape anyway?  The game won’t end, it will just be extended.  The only way to win the game, say it with me Mathew Broderick Fans, is Not To Play.  

Never trust a computer screen bearing greetings from Professor Falken or random dudes in the jungle of a mysterious island offering magic wine or daggers.



Now, this got me to thinking:  If my theory is correct, then why did Jacob choose these people?  I’m certain there is more to that to come in the last 3 ½ hours, but here is something to chew on:  We know that Smokey has been executing a long con throughout the show, manipulating events to get into Locke’s bod, and kill Jacob to eventuate his escape from Fantasy Island.  But what if Jacob has an even longer con going on.  What if he brought certain people to the Island whom he KNEW would compliment each other in such a way that when the MIB eventually found a way to inhabit one of them, there would be someone amongst the group who would be the perfect foil for the MIB avatar, someone who could bring him back from the Dark Side.  That’s why Kate isn’t a Candidate anymore…because MIB chose Locke…and the only true foil for Locke is Jack.  So, it is the MIB’s choice that solidifies Jacob’s choice of Candidate.  Although by Candidate here, I’m not talking anymore about who will take Jacob’s role, but the one who will be the catalyst for convincing the MIB to accept the role.  WHOAH!  What did I just do there?  Seriously.  I feel like this opens up so much, and lets so much fall into place, I’m literally reeling from it.  Why Jack?  Because of Locke!  If Sawyer had been chosen by MIB, then it would have been Kate!  If Jin had been chosen by the MIB, then Sun, etc. etc.

Which leaves Desmond.  I have no idea. Don’t get cute with me, damnit.  We still have 3 ½ hours left for that to play out. 

But this idea of the merging or healing of dualities can play into the sideways world mystery also.  For here again we see a reflection of a fractured world, two realities, which need to be merged into a single reality.  Sideways world/Island world, Jacob/MIB, Locke/Jack.  Things will come together.  And they won’t come together in a way which just perpetuates the game, a simple exchange of actors…they will come together in a way which redeems.  And Locke will have his redemption too.  He was a man of faith, a man whose faith was tested sorely, who got played by a cynical being intent to destroying meaning.  Jack, a man who refused to see meaning in anything, who clung to the pragmatic even in the face of the miraculous.  Now, their roles are reversed, and the two are inexorably being drawn into a singular orbit.  What will come of their collision?  What will this new unity be? 

And what I like best about this idea is that it brings the Island back in as a character.  Behind these ideas is one in which the Island itself is wounded…wounded by Jacob’s violent sin.  The source has been tainted.  If Flocke is redeemed, and accepts the guardianship from Jacob and his smokey nature, then perhaps the Island gets healed, redeemed as well. 

Stay tuned.  We have 3 ½ glorious hours left to find out.  And I for one can not wait.

Can We Just Fracking Call Him Adam? Oh, And Jacob’s Water Testing. Also, a Guest Blogger Next Week!

12 05 2010

I’d like to appologize for my earlier post.  I’m not so mad anymore.  In fact, I loved this episode because it is making me take another look at the entire series and question everything I thought I knew.  So…  well just, Yay. 

One of the things I’m thinking about is what can only be, as far as I can figure, the entrance to the Secret World of Og:

This wonderful opening in the earth where water flows that holds the essence of life… the light in every human bla bla bla. But what is the deal with this place?  How did it go from being the place where you’d sure to be able to find the last unicorn to the Bog of Eternal Stench? When they were boys, Eve (evil Allison Janney the Foster Mom) told the boys how wonderful and important it was but then as an adult she turns around and tells Jake that going down into it would be a fate worse than death! 

Then, in a bizarre twist on the rule that he and Adam (formerly the MIB)
inflict harm on each other, Jacob chokes Adam, Bashes his head and throat into the river rocks and then throws him down into the glowing pit where the water transforms him somehow into the smoke monster. Okay… it would seem that the water was bad…   got it… that water is BAD! Bad water!  Bad Bad Water!  And for the purposes of this blog, I must presume that the temple was built over this BADBAD Water.  

So then… When Sayid is mortally wounded, why is it that the ghost of Jacob, (since it has been established by Darlton that those are indeed actual ghosts that Hurley is seeing) tells Hurley to bring dying Sayid to the temple?  Again presuming that Jacob’s instructions for Dogen is that he should put Candidates into the water if they are injured, the question to be begged is why!?  WHYWHYWHY?! Why would Jakey Boy do this?  

Was this just a special punishment for Sayid since he was the person who shot Ben making it so Ben was put in the water and turned into bad Ben?  Or was he trying to test what happens when anyone in general gets put in the water to see if it was just that his brother had already been corrupted by his time spent living amongst the men in the village?  Why?  Why turn Sayid into a vessel of nothing?  What is the deal with Jacob?  What is his point?  

I have an idea…  but I can’t go into it because my Lostbuddy Jordon has an amazing theory he will be unveiling here on My Crazy Lost Theory next Monday… and boy is it a doozy! And my idea ties in with what I know of Jordon’s theory of awesomesause… so I must stop here…  

But, I will leave you with this…  who out there isn’t now questioning the motives of every single move that Jacob made?  And also… was it just me or was one of the men that killed the Boar played by Clancy Brown who played Kelvin Inman?  That character has been all over Lost and it would be an interesting twist of he was a survivor of the massacre of Adam’s village.  

So… Okay.  Watch this space: Monday. HUGE THEORY!  by Jordon Flato!  

oh… and water.  It’s bad… by why?  And why does Jake seem to be testing it?

Lost “Across the Sea” Theory-less.

12 05 2010

Okay so…  there may be an expanded post coming this week but after last night’s episode, I don’t have much to say.  I mean…  crazy Allison Janney said it, “”Every question I answer is only going to lead to another question. You should rest, and just be grateful you’re alive.”  (How annoying was that moment?)I will probably write something about how frustrated I am that I’m supposed to think the MIB is pure evil. I mean, that would be like hating a foster kid whose foster mom mentally abused him before handing him over to an even harsher system.

How many times does MIB have to get beat up, bashed in the head with a rock & turned into a smoke monster before I can sympathize with him? See the look of terror on his face?


Okay, that is a little extreme but seriously… these two boys were victims of a crazy woman and now all of the people who have been brought to the island have been victimized by her sons. So I suppose I can assume that all the evils in the world are caused by women huh?  Is that what you are telling me Darlton? Really?  

Oh man do the writers have some explaining to do.  Like, one minute Jake and MIB’s real mom and their adopted mom via rock bludgeoning are speaking two different languages and the next minute it’s like the island has a universal translator! WTF? 

I feel like maybe I am stupid? Did I miss something or did this only REALLY show us who Adam and Eve were?  I’m going to post something that really sums up how I feel about television and life really…  and how Lost defies this world view of mine.  Thanks Lost… and yes… I’m still mad at you, ven if there might be a theory brewing in my brain that connects MamaJake with Danielle Rousseau. Still mad. 

The Longest Con: That Darlton Would Have Ever Let Me Form My Own Opinions About Lost Before Series End.

11 05 2010

As part of my interview with Dr. Tronchin on the Archaeology of Lost she mentioned Jeremy Bentham and his panopticon in relation to Jacob’s Lighthouse.  This got me thinking about the Locke vs. FLocke, Hurley vs. Miles and why on earth “Jacob” would be so cool with Jack destroying the Lighthouse surveillance system. 

Things I began to call into question?  Who really built the Lighthouse and used it for surveillance, is Hurley really psychic, and what was the purpose of Jack destroying the lighthouse? I don’t want to get to involved with a huge narrative here but it will be difficult since Lost is such a winding road of convolution.  I’ll try to just spell it out and I may resort of bullet points if that is okay with everyone. Okay… so, starting with my Hurley issues, here I go.  

No… wait.  I can’t start with my Hurley issues.  Ya know why?  Well, I was just informed that Darlton has confirmed that Hurley is, in fact, seeing ghosts.  That these spirits are not the agents of the MIB and that neither are the voices in the jungle.  So there goes a major cornerstone of my theory.  Guess I’ll just try to build my theory pyramid style then…  

Well crap…  I’m not even really in the mood anymore.  Darlton has let the wind out of my sails again…  why couldn’t they have just shut up for the entire last season?  Joss Whedon would have never made this mistake on Buffy… or Angel… or Firefly… or Dollhouse.  Grrrrrrr…  

So… I’ll be brief.  

It seems as though FLocke has been mirroring things that John Locke did in previous seasons.  He split up the group, he blew up the submarine, He killed a bunch of Boars… He walked around all manly and silent…  he squinted his eyes into the sun as he spoke making himself seem wise and believable?  What?  Yeah… I’m talking out my ass…  got a problem with that?  It’s been a rough day! 

oh crap… this is weak.  

What you are witnessing here is failure to write a cohesive blog.  I have been bested by the writers… the creators… the show runners of Lost. AGAIN!  I can’t even find the energy after painstakingly picking through dialogue from episodes where Hurley talked to ghosts, finding some really great stuff that points to someone luring Hurley to the island both the first time AND the second time.  All in hopes of getting him there, especially the second time, to become leader (#23) and lure the candidates to FLocke. 

I mean…  take Dave for example… you remember, Hurley’s imaginary or ghost friend from the mental hospital?   Here are things that Dave said when they were in the hospital: To a bunch of nutters playing basketball, “Dude, dude, give up the rock!” and to Hurley, “Dude, that’s celery. Celery is not a snack. Leonard’s got graham crackers, man. You should snag one. He won’t notice. What’s he going to do — call you a 23?” 

Those were some awesome clues…  islandy sounding things. See that #23 comment there?  Pretty brilliant Losting on my part to go way back to the “Dave” episode and point to Hurley becoming the one in charge, right? Perhaps these things  were  clues to that effect but then perhaps they got ditched when they decided to make Hurley a real psychic as a plot device… to use him as a means of exposition. UG!  What did all of my fiction writing professors tell me?  Show don’t tell?  Wow… I’m cranky.  

I was going to go through all of the things that different members of the Oceanic 6 saw and heard when they were off island and how they were, perhaps visions created by MIB drawing them back to the island to set his grand plan to kill Jacob and get off the island into motion. 

How would he do that though?  How would he throw himself, like a ventriloquist, off the island that way? Well… perhaps he used the Lighthouse to do it.  Maybe it wasn’t just a way to spy on the Candidates?  Maybe the MIB found a way to communicate through it.  Maybe MIB was even responsible for building it?  

Stay with me here…  

When Locke was off island after turning the donkey wheel, he used the alias Jeremy Bentham.  The real Jeremy Bentham was the mastermind behind the panopticon; a prison or other industrial type building designed to able whoever ran the facility to be able to anonymously observe the inhabitants of the building.  He designed his first, a prison in 1875.  Later panopticon became more of a metaphor used to describe technologies that made surveillance of society more transparent, undetectable. This Lighthouse, that looks like the Pharos of Alexandria, was indeed the ultimate surveillance tool.  

So then…  John Locke, who was killed by Ben while living under the Bentham alias, was stuck in a coffin and delivered to the island to become an instrument of MIB.  I’m convinced all this was a plot orchestrated by MIB, with help from Ben who thought he was working for Jacob (was he ever?) 

Just the use of the alias there feels like a clue… a clue that points to the man who now inhabits the body of John Locke as being the original island Jeremey Bentham.  That he perhaps, either built the Lighthouse or maybe just rigged it so he could manipulate those off island in a similar way that Jacob did.  But instead of traveling off island, he was throwing his voice, or visions at certain Candidates.  

With the Hurley info… him not being psychic…  I may have been able to spin a pretty tight theory that the MIB had created the Longest Con of all… that he had been controlling every thing since the Candidates first landed on the beach.  And perhaps he was… but I can’t really do much to try to prove that with Hurley being an actual psychic.  pfffffft. 

I know… all of this sounds so crazy… but you try and come up with something unique and different about this show under the pressure of revealing something before Darlton can beat you to it and dash your hopes of finally having a great theory… one that just might work out. 

Oh well… there is always Cabrera’s spaceship theory, right? 

Sorry that there aren’t any pictures in this one.  I’m too grumpy thanks to flappy lips Darlton to even want to sit at my computer any longer. 

I am still excited about tonight’s “Across the Sea” where supposedly we will be given lots of answers about Jacob, MIB and the island.  Unless they’re just going to hint at things and then Darlton will put up a podcast and EXPLAIN everything for us like we’re a bunch of 3-year-olds looking a a picture book.  

Yes… I’m an angry chick and I love it. Until next time I will leave you with one of  my favorite dudes:

Looking at the Visual Clues: Q&A with Dr. Francesca Tronchin on the Archaeology of Lost

10 05 2010

Hello there Lost fans! I’m super excited to bring you this Question and Answer session that I did with Francesca Tronchin, Doctor of Archaeology and general expert on most things rad and badass. 

When I read about the upcoming “Across the Sea” episode specifically that it was going to be an hour-long flashback that focused on the MIB and Jacob I started to think about where on the earth it might take place how this country or city may have informed their world view.  I thought about use of all the religious iconography on the show and that led me to wonder if Dr. Tronchin would have the time to answer some questions.  Lucky for me she is a HUGE Lost fan and agreed to my line of (often clueless) questioning. 

So, enough of my rambling… Here it is: 

My Crazy Lost Theory: What do Jake’s (I don’t like him and call him Jake now.) clothing choices say about his heritage? His sandals and simple cloth shirts that I assume he makes.

Dr. Tronchin:  I haven’t seen anything in his wardrobe that suggests a specific culture or region. Perhaps just a generic “homespun” look, a hearkening back to “simpler times”? 

 MCLT: I seem to recall a FB status last year where you were talking about Jake’s sandals being Greek or Roman?  Am I hallucinating (again)?

Dr. Tronchin:  That might have been about the statue’s sandals? Can’t remember exactly.

MCLT:   Speaking of… ‘Jake the weaver.’ Aside from being perhaps a metaphor, what does it say about a person who knows how to weave intricate textiles such as these? Does this give us any clues to who he is and where he’s from?

When, where and why did Jacob pick up weaving as a hobby?


Dr. Tronchin:  In Greek mythology there are a couple of famous weavers: Arachne and Penelope. Arachne was turned into a spider for getting “too big for her britches” and challenging Athena to a weaving contest (classic tale of hubris and divine retribution). Penelope is the model housewife, so to speak. She spent 20 years weaving, waiting for her husband Odysseus to come home. But she was tricky: she said she would pick a new husband from the many suitors courting her as soon as she finished weaving the burial shroud she was working on. But at night she would unravel all she had woven during the day.

MCLT: an interesting parallel could be drawn here between Jacob and Penelope. He has said that he is going to pick a replacement for himself out of a pool of “Candidates” that he plucks from around the world. He has been doing this for how long? Perhaps it is Jake who is weaving and unraveling… stalling, but for what?  Who knows? 

Dr. Tronchin:  In the Greco-Roman world, weaving was pretty much the purview of only women. So this is odd that Jacob would be so great at it. I can’t think of any cultures where weaving was the man’s job. (Fishing nets, made by crochet, are an exception.)  That is interesting about Jacob weaving & un-weaving to postpone his decision about the candidates.

MCLT: But of course he does finish the tapestry as we saw in the tunnels under the temple.  But Metaphorically it works and makes me wonder if there is someone special that Jake is waiting for. I’m wondering now, if Jake perhaps has a Penny or a Sun or a Claire? 

Dr. Tronchin:  Seems like most of the dudes on the show have some kind of female constant!

What is very cool about the thing J is weaving in the picture below is that it is a hybrid of Greek and Egyptian elements. The text is Greek, of course, with the Egyptian eye of Horus, etc. below. That mixture of Greek & Egyptian smacks of Alexandria, the great city in the Nile delta. Has anyone translated the Greek? theoi, or ‘gods’ is the only word that jumps out at me. But my Greek is way rusty right now. But even so, they used a xi for an epsilon…weird.

MCLT:  The did actually translate the texts on Lostpedia…  and here we have another Odysseus reference.  From the finished tapestry there are three sentences and they read as translated: “may the gods grant thee all that thy heart desires” & “may the gods grant thee happiness” are from The Odyssey and the last, according to Lostpedia: A third passage is at the bottom of the tapestry. The part that can be seen reads, …Σ ΜΟΝΟΙ ΤΟ ΤΟΥ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΥ ΤΕΛΟΣ ΕΟΡΑΚΑΣΙ (sic). In lower case, it should read …ς μόνοι τὸ τοῦ πολέμου τέλος ἑωράκασι (transcribed as “…s monoi to tou polemou telos eōrakasi”) which seems to be the following quote misattributed to Plato: “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” If so, the word missing could be ΘΑΝΟΝΤΕΣ or ΤΕΘΝΗΚΟΤΕΣ, in lower case, θανόντες (transcribed as thanontes) or τεθνηκότες (transcribed as tethnekotes), meaning “those who have died”. 

MCLT:  Why would a blonde haired, blue-eyed dude be so obsessed with the Egyptian culture? Is there any archaeological proof of Blondes in Egypt? When did Blondes start showing up in  Egypt.  

Dr. Tronchin:  I don’t know about blondes in Egypt. The only thing I can think of are the Celtic invasions into the western part of North Africa or the Gallic invasions in Asia Minor.

MCLT:  Some Lost fans have sighted that there may be a connections between the dog worshiping cult of the Canary Islands (home of confused Catholic Richard) and the Anubis of Egypt.  Are there any reliable academic sources that could confirm this connection?

Dr. Tronchin:  I know nothing of religious practices in the Canary Islands! But I would find it very difficult for there to be any actual connection, unless explained by science fiction!

MCLT:  If you could, please take a look at this blog I wrote about the island statues:

In your opinion, do you notices any differences that could point to there being more than one statue on the island? 

 Dr. Tronchin:  I think you found some very subtle differences! But I don’t know if I could say they indicate two different statues.

MCLT: Also, the feet:

Is this foot: 

The Foot Sayid discovered from Desmond's boat.


The same as this foot:

The foot under which Jake Lives.


The same as this foot?

Perhaps in the Altiverse, Jake is a merman and lives under this foot?


Dr. Tronchin:  OK, this is very weird. You’ve got there a left foot, a right foot, and another left foot!

The weirdest thing about the statue for me is how it splintered like balsa wood when the Black Rock hit it! Not that I think that has any special significance…

MCLT:  And what do you make of Jacob’s Amazing Technicolor Lighthouse from an archaeological standpoint?

Show Runner's Homage to Alexandria or Jeremy Bentham?


Dr. Tronchin:  It looks a helluva lot like the Pharos of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the [Ancient] World. Or at least what most people think it looked like–the actual lighthouse/pharos no longer exists. So there is another Alexandria connection. The city in the Hellenistic period came to be a great center of learning, thanks to the library there, etc. It continued to have this association with science and study into the Late Antique period.

Note from MCLT:  Dr. Tronchin had this to say following our interview:

I  forgot to mention the ‘panopticon’ to you. (Just Google it.) The correlation with Jacob’s (?) lighthouse will be obvious. Plus, the original panopticon was designed by…Jeremy Bentham!

Dr. Tronchin’s comment, after I perused the wiki page on Panopticon that is,  got me thinking about lots of things. So many things that I was forced to write an entire blog about it…  I will put it up sometime in the next 30 hours or so.  It will be called: “The Longest Con: Why Hurley is NOT psychic” or something of the like.  Look for it.  Now… back to the interview! 

MCLT:  Going back to the Egyptian stuff… how ‘bout that Smoke Monster?  We were given a hieroglyph, if you can even call it that, of the monster below one of the grates that it travels though 

Egyptian Smoke Monster? What?


but to me, the seated position of Anubis as well as the positioning of the monster reminded me of this:

or Mayan Vision Monster?


A tablet inscripted with the Mayan Vision Serpent. I’ve always thought that Jacob and The Smoke Monster/Man in Black were partly based on the Aztec Gods Quetzacoatl and Tezcatlipoca (smoking mirror).  But descriptions of the Mayan Vision serpent make it sound like it has the same ability for people to communicate with their ancestors though it which is kind of what the smoke monster does when it appears as people who have died on the island.  Thoughts?

Dr. Tronchin:  The connection with the Mayan image might be another bit of hybridity introduced by the writers. Maybe we are to think that both Mayans and Egyptians inhabited the Island, thanks to Jacob’s interventions? 🙂 Hey, they both built pyramids!

The pose of Anubis is weird in that image. Usually he is depicted as standing (with the jackal head on a man’s body) or lying down like a dog.

The Snake Monster image has no precedent in Egyptian iconography, as far as I know.

MCLT: There are many ways of dealing with dead bodies on the island. The Survivors of Oceanic Fligh 815 bury their dead, while the Others tend to burn their dead.  What ancient civilizations burned their dead and who continued to do so after Christianity took hold in parts of the world? Also, are there any cultures besides the Vikings that burned their dead and set them adrift like The Others did for Colleen’s funeral? 

Dr. Tronchin:  The Greeks (and the peoples of the Bronze Age Aegean before them) did some cremating from time to time; they were kind of inconsistent about it, but generally used cremation. The Romans simultaneously engaged in inhumation and cremation burials after the advent of Christianity. Cremation had been the standard, but inhumation was popular even among Pagans. It seems to have depended on individuals or families.

I can’t think of any other Viking-like funeral ships. Although there are a series of ships buried around the great pyramids of Giza, Egyptians weren’t pushed out onto flaming barges or anything.

MCLT: Speaking of the dead.  It seems that the Others are very concerned with making sure they get all their dead.  We’ve seen them did up bodies and drag them away (perhaps to perform more funerals like Colleen’s) and then we saw (inside Jake’s Chamber) Ilana take Jake’s ashes from the fire pit.  Thoughts?

Dr. Tronchin:  This is a HUGE thing in classical cultures, especially Greek. It’s all over Homer’s epics. There are entire (modern) books written on the subject of reclaiming the dead, bringing bodies off battlefields, spirits wandering around unhappy because their bodies aren’t where they are supposed to be, etc. Bodies/cremated remains have to be put in a cemetery or some other space where the family members can come and mourn them, remember them, make visits on special anniversaries. Even though Greek and Roman concepts of what the afterlife really looked like are rather murky, one thing is clear: you just don’t leave bodies unburied.

MSCL: Do you remember Last of the Mohicans?  “They stay as they lay!” (That just popped into my head and has nothing much to do with the conversation here… that movie has just been inappropriately invading my rational thoughts this week) 

Moving on!  We have also seen the Others use black ash as protection from the smoke monster on a few occasions.  Are there any cultures who use the ash or even the ashes of the dead as protection? 

Dr. Tronchin:  Ash Wednesday, the Catholic thing? I know nothing about it, really. Just the only thing that came to mind.

MCLT: Palm sunday encompasses placing ashes on the foreheads of followers as a sign of repentance. The ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are burned. As far as Ashes as protection, apparently the ashes of a Vampire act as sort of a morning after pill if you’ve been bitten by a Vampire.  (You drink the ashes to prevent turning into a Vampire.)  I bring this up only because this season they introduced the idea that the island is sitting on a Hellmouth and for anyone familiar with Buffy… well… There you go. 

MCLT: And lastly, a big religious question: I jokingly mentioned “Jacob’s Amazing Technicolor  Lighthouse and I was wondering what similarities can be drawn between the stories Joseph and his father Jacob from the Hebrew Bible to Lost’s Jacob and the Man in Black?  Could Joseph’s time in Egypt be an explanation for all of the Egyptian hieroglyphs and the statue(s) on the island?

Dr. Tronchin:  I’ve got no idea! Old Testament stuff really isn’t my gig. Now ask me something about the Aeneid, and I might have something intelligent to say 🙂

I had come to assume over the course of the past few episodes that the Egyptians (or “Egyptians”) who were on the Island got there because of Jacob, that he somehow pulled them out of the Mediterranean and into the South Pacific. Maybe because 4000 years ago they were the most advanced culture on earth and he wanted to see how they would fare?

MCLT:  And this concludes our Q&A with Dr. Tronchin.  It will be interesting to see what happens this week on Lost and find out where MIB and Jacob really came from and if it is indeed Alexandria.  Fingers crossed.  And thanks again to Dr. Tronchin for lending her valuable time to aid in My Crazy Lost Theories.

Damon & Carlton, I’m not stupid so stop talking down to me… Actually, just stop talking at all!

5 05 2010

Okay… so this blog is going to be light on the theories and heavy on the annoyed rants. And I’d like to preface what I’m about to write with:  I really did love last night’s episode.  I like what is happening on the show but I don’t like the why’s that Team Darlton are spewing.  But I digress… 

So, last night we got to experience the death of some beloved characters and my favorite Old Spice Commercial Star said his last one-liner. Some were redeemed, some were just killed (Chip Lowell* aka dude with Machine Gun who also knew a few things about science-y stuff.  I was sad when you died even if the rest of the audience didn’t give a crap! Long Live CHIP!)

They were all casualties of FLocke’s “Long con” and more-so, I like to think that they’d each fullfilled their destiny. You know, cause when the island is done with you… it’s DONE with you. But no. That is not why these characters died. Why did they die? Let Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse tell you… (from THIS interview)…
Cuse: “There is no ambiguity. He is evil and he has to be stopped.” … “There will be very little debate at the end of this episode that [Fake Locke] is evil and bad and has to be stopped. The main narrative reason for him killing our main characters is to establish how much of a bad guy he is and to clearly identify him as the antagonist rolling into the end of the series.”

Lindelof: “In many ways, the season was structured as a long con on behalf of the Man In Black. Once we revealed that Locke was the Monster, we knew the audience would immediately mistrust him, and we would have to spend at least a dozen episodes of Locke trying to convince the audience that he did not have malevolent intention, that all he wanted to do was get off The Island. But everything he was doing was leading up to one moment, which was [trying to] get the candidates in one fell swoop. He knew if he killed just one of them, everyone would know what he was up to.’”

OMGosh… where to even start.  First, I’d just like to say that ever since we met The Man in Black I have given him the benefit of the doubt, going so far to wonder if he and Jacob had some point switched bodies and that Jacob was trapped in the MIB via my Tezcatlipoca theory. So finding out what I think we all suspected, that MIB was in fact the smoke monster, did little to change our opinion of who or what he was at his core. And I don’t think that I’m in the minority when I say that possibly everything that came out of FLocke’s mouth this season was not to be believed. All of this makes me feel like Darlon thinks I’m an idiot who needs to be beat over the head with stuff so I’ll “get it.”  Oh well… What happened, happened…  right? 

And speaking about what happened, specifically on this blog and in the comments of other’s blogs, I know there are people who find me INSANE to think that the MIB is a character that I have felt sympathy for.  But hear me out; What is Lost but a show that introduced us to characters who have dozens of layers.  Complicated people who are neither good nor evil, who take the punches that life throws them and make their decisions the best that they can. For 5.75 seasons we’ve seen flashback after flashback then flashforward after flashforward then flashsideways after flashsideways about all the reasons that our Lostaways are the way they are.  The good or shitty things that shaped their world views and informed their actions. And then for Darlton to decide in what feels like the 11th hour that MIB is only one shade, one big bad evil mess of rancid smelling smoke?  Wow… what a let down.  I can only hope that in next week’s episode, “Across the Sea,” that we get to see the real stuff, the heartache and confusion that this man is made of and it isn’t one big love letter to Jacob and how MIB screwed him throughout their lives because he is a bad bad man. Pffffft. 

Then there was this comment about Sayid: 

Lindelof explains: “Sayid’s entire season-long arc has basically been, if you tell him that he is evil, you can convince him he is evil. But if you tell him he is good, maybe you can convince him he is good. We basically decided that in a moment of pure instinct, if he did something, if he sacrificed his own life in favor of saving the other people’s lives, that would convey to the audience, ‘This guy was actually a good guy.’”

Dude… do you even watch your own show?  From the beginning of the series Sayid has known two things about himself; that he had done horrible, reprehensible things AND that he was good a good man at heart. Here was a man who had often been forced into making impossible choices and carry out heinous acts, usually in order to save someone or spare someone from pain. Remember Sayid as an adorable child in Tikrit when he stepped up a killed a chicken for his older brother who couldn’t do it himself when asked by his father?

This kid doesn't hate chickens!


You may want to call him a chicken hating killer but IMO he was trying to save his brother from humiliation at the hands of their father, who found out anyway that Sayid had done the killing.  Then, in adulthood, he only became a torturer after seeing a video of his home villiage attacked with nerve gas.  Not sure of his motivations after that during the remainder of his stint in the Iraqi Republic Guard but men are asked to do the unimaginable during war.  It does not mean they are evil.  They are serving their country and even though I am a peace loving hippie, I believe that he did his duty.  And then we saw that from the time he ran into Nadia he struggled to get on a better path. 

Throughout the show, the writers were constantly throwing Sayid into situations where he had these really heavy moral decisions to make.  Out of every person on the island, I believe his path was the hardest and it is so unfair that in the final season they turn him into a zombie, a pawn of evil (whose light we could still see occasionally glint from his dark vacant gaze) and then verbally dismiss him after the fact as a person who is either good or bad based on what he is told he is.  I call bullshit.  I say that despite the writers intentions about Sayid’s heroic actions last night, Sayid was doing what Sayid had always done… put everyone else’s needs ahead of his and taking one for the team because at heart… Sayid is and always was, a good man. period. 

So far as Sun and Jin…  I don’t understand why people are so shocked that they didn’t discuss their kid when facing certain death. It’s been well established that Sun is selfish and that they always put each other over every one else. I mean, she left her kid with her mother to go back to death island! Come on people!  Get with the program. I do think it was a very sweet ending for them.  The island was done with them… they had served their purpose… that is what I am telling myself and not all this hoo haw about them dying to prove that FLocke is evil.  Yeah… we know… he’s EVIL.  Whatever.  Daniel Dae Kim has never looked so sexy so it was a nice teary thumbs up for me.  

But back to Darlton… I understand the necessity of killing off beloved characters, of turning people evil, etc…  but I would appreciate it if the reasons you were doing so was because that is what the story dictated for the sake of the story and NOT the audience.  So we’ve been chatting, tweeting, blogging, commenting, watercoolering, texting and Lostpediaing our opinions about the MIB… so what?  You don’t see JK Rowling making decisions based on what she feels her readers aren’t following or understanding in the story.  She makes her decisions based on what her heart and mind tell her about her story and characters. Take a lesson from her… stop reading the message boards and rewatch your own show to remember what this show is; a story about people, their complexities, the moral dilemma’s that they face and how people can rise through adversity and surprise us or sink and disappoint us. (I realize this plea is too late but I just needed to say it…  if only I’d seen all this Season 6 silliness coming.) 

But again, I digress…  Yes Darlton, it was you who set us up from the beginning to believe it was a story about good vs. evil via John Locke’s Backgammon speech but then it was you again who proved over and over again that the show was so much more than that…  Lost became a painter’s palate of various shades of grey that bled and transformed into every other color imaginable.  Nothing was black and white…  and now, here we are, you want us to believe that MIB is Lord Voldemort and that is that.  Again… Pffffft!  Again, you may be able to redeem yourselves with “Across The Sea” so there is hope…  but at this point it is a dim gray, barely visible slice hope for me. 

Devil in a Black Dress...


So now, please remember, it wasn’t the episode I didn’t like, it was the asinine comments made by the show runners that made my blood start to percolate.  It was a great hour full of amazing moments. The Kwons death, Hurley bursting into tears, Lapidus kicking down a bear cage gate, Kate getting shot (what?)…  but the Altiverse story did however leave me flat.  Things had been cookin’ over there for a while and now it’s all slow moving and WTF?  Jack is mucking around at a dentist’s office?  Bernard is acting like the dude with the bird hat in Labyrinth, finding out Locke TBI’d his beloved father in a plane crash and was letting guilt keep him in his chair?  Jack being hyper fix it guy… again? I need to rethink all my Altiverse theories over the next couple weeks.  

Oh… this is driving me crazy!  I have a few more shots to fire at Darlton but I cannot remember them! I guess I’ll just finish with a few pleas: 

Please don’t have stripped Kate from Candidate status in order to keep her around as Daphne for Fred the Final Candidate who may just turn out to be Jack. I’m hoping that Claire kills her but if she gets stayed alive for Jack I’ll stab myself in the eyes with a rusty old spoon. 

Please explain why Jacob is such a prick next week. Tell where and why he got the god complex. 

Please  don’t make the final candidate one of the children.  Pretty Please with sugar on it?  

"Flower of Wisdom" the Once and Future Queen of Doom Island? NOOOOO!


Otherwise, I’m ready to buckle up and get ready for the ride where I’m anticipating a blood bath where everybody dies. And what is more fun than that?  Next Monday Watch this space! I’ll be unveiling my Q and A with Dr. Francesca Tronchin, professor of Archaeology. I approached her about an interview when I first found out about a Jacob/MIB-centric episode and lucky me, she accepted.  Now, I think you all should do a little homework this week as we approach this “Across the Sea” episode.  The keyword is: Alexandria. 

Until next time: I’ve seen Xanadu about three times…  and I STILL have no idea what it’s about.

* If you don’t know who Chip Lowell is…  look him up for goodness sake!  This is TV 101!